Sunrise Generation
(Teens’ Church)
The Royal Ambassadors
Youth & Young Adults
Good Women
Joshua – The Pillars
Men Fellowship
Sunrise Generation
(Teens’ Church)
The Royal Ambassadors
Youth & Young Adults Fellowship
Good Women Fellowship
Joshua – The Pillars (Men Fellowship)
Network, Grow and Thrive
Welcome to RCCG Dominion Cathedral, Continent 3 Headquarters. We are delighted to have you worship with us.
We would like you to consider joining one of our natural groups where members meet to study the Bible, pray support one another, get information on workshops and conferences that offer opportunities to learn, and connect with fellow believers who share similar interests.
Do well to fill the form in order to start the journey of networking, growing and thriving with God’s people here in Dominion Cathedral.
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27